the company that involved in Burj Dubai project
Malaysia now is on top of the world!!!

final preparation b4 the opening of Burj Dubai

the top of burj dubai is finished by EVERSENDAI

DUBAI - Pembinaan pencakar langit Burj Dubai mempunyai makna tersendiri buat Malaysia berikutan firma pembinaan struktur keluli dari Kuala Lumpur, Eversendai Corporation Sdn. Bhd. diberi tugas menyiapkan struktur terakhir bangunan tertinggi dunia itu.
Pengarah Urusannya, Datuk A.K. Nathan berkata, 260 meter terakhir menara itu adalah satu struktur keluli yang dibina oleh
"Kami adalah syarikat pertama di dunia yang membuat kerja-kerja pembinaan pada ketinggian lebih 700 meter. Tiada sesiapa di dunia pernah bekerja pada ketinggian ini,"
Media sebelum ini melaporkan bahawa Burj Dubai berketinggian melebihi 800 meter dengan lebih 160 tingkat.
Pemajunya, Emaar Properties masih berteka-teki mengenai ketinggian sebenar menara itu, walaupun terdapat kenyataan bahawa puncak menara boleh dilihat dari sejauh 95 kilometer.
Burj Dubai dijangka dibuka secara rasmi pada 4 Januari ini oleh Perdana Menteri Emiriyah Arab Bersatu (UAE), Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Al Maktoum.
DUBAI, -- The soon-to-open Burj Dubai is entering the record book as the world's tallest building when its open this Monday or 4th of January 2010 and sharing this honour, is Malaysian structural steel construction firm,
Eversendai Corporation.
According to group managing director Datuk A.K. Nathan, the final 260m of the soaring tower was an all-steel structure, and Eversendai had the privilege of putting it up successfully.
"In fact, we're the first company in the world to have worked above 700m.No one in the world has worked above this height," he told Bernama here.
Previous reports have mentioned that the Burj Dubai is over 800m tall with more than 160 floors.
Its developer Emaar Properties is keeping mum though about the actual height of the gleaming tower, amid statements that its spire can be seen 95km away.
The Burj Dubai is to be inaugurated on Jan 4 next year by United Arab Emirates (UAE) vice-president and prime minister, and ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Nathan said Eversendai also carried out structural steelworks on other parts of the Burj Dubai.
Alluding to the last 260m of the super-tall building, Nathan said it was a highly complex structure needing precise design, fabrication and contruction processes.
"And we've done everything to the full satisfaction of our client without any kind of accident," he said proudly.
+this company also involved in another mega project around the world+
for more info
visit their website
According to group managing director Datuk A.K. Nathan, the final 260m of the soaring tower was an all-steel structure, and Eversendai had the privilege of putting it up successfully.
"In fact, we're the first company in the world to have worked above 700m.No one in the world has worked above this height," he told Bernama here.
Previous reports have mentioned that the Burj Dubai is over 800m tall with more than 160 floors.
Its developer Emaar Properties is keeping mum though about the actual height of the gleaming tower, amid statements that its spire can be seen 95km away.
The Burj Dubai is to be inaugurated on Jan 4 next year by United Arab Emirates (UAE) vice-president and prime minister, and ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
Nathan said Eversendai also carried out structural steelworks on other parts of the Burj Dubai.
Alluding to the last 260m of the super-tall building, Nathan said it was a highly complex structure needing precise design, fabrication and contruction processes.
"And we've done everything to the full satisfaction of our client without any kind of accident," he said proudly.
+this company also involved in another mega project around the world+
for more info
visit their website
yes 1st!!!!.....
yup...pretty cool aite???hehehe..
ReplyDeleteyeah!! "MALAYSIA BOLEH!!!"